他们的优异演出搏得了满堂彩: they brought the house down with their excellent performance
Example Sentences:
His concert brought the house down 他的音乐会博得满堂彩
His song brought the house down 他的歌博得满堂彩
Bryant is still perceived in many quarters as a selfish ball hog , which is why his grand accomplishment is not celebrated today like it would be if you - know - who seized a game the way bryant did at the staples center 布莱恩特在很多节仍然被认为是一个自私的球猪,这就是现在他那非凡的成就仍无人喝彩的原因,而要是那个人(乔丹)像科比在斯台普斯中心那样掌握了整个比赛,一定会获得满堂彩。
Once the performance began , the audience was captivated immediately by the fast speaking skill of the master of ceremonies , john moschittta , who then introduced the other master of ceremonies for the evening , famous hollywood movie star , debbie reynolds . ms . reynolds was beautiful and pleasant and her humorous and witty manner impressed the audience 节目之初,即由莫奇塔先生来上一段快嘴绝活,博得满堂彩后,便引出女主持人好莱坞老牌明星黛比雷诺女士这位娱乐界的长青树依然甜美如昔,她那风趣且极富亲和力的谈吐,充分流露出灵慧开朗的气质,令人印象深刻。