| 1. | Aussie history as reflected in australianisms 澳大利亚英语词汇与澳大利亚历史 |
| 2. | Australian history reflected in australian vocabulary 澳大利亚英语词汇中折射出的澳大利亚历史 |
| 3. | The melbourne tigers is australia ' s premier basketball brand and has been in existence for nearly 70 years 墨尔本澳洲虎篮球俱乐部是澳大利亚历史最悠久的篮球俱乐部。 |
| 4. | Yesterday ' s deal represents the country ' s biggest corporate takeover and ends months of uncertainty about the future of melbourne - based coles 昨天达成的这一交易是澳大利亚历史上规模最大的企业并购案,它驱散了数月来有关高斯未来前途的疑云。 |
| 5. | But some in the audience objected to the night show in australia ' s old parliament house , and the dance troupe was asked to stop about 10 minutes 但这场在澳大利亚历史悠久的议会大厦举行的晚宴上的表演还是遭到一些观众的反对,表演最后被要求暂停了10分钟。 |
| 6. | But some in the audience objected to the night show in australia ' s old parliament house , and the dance troupe was asked to stop about 10 minutes 但这场在澳大利亚历史悠久的议会大厦举行的晚宴上的表演还是遭到一些观众的反对,表演最后被要求暂停了10分钟。 |
| 7. | Australia ' s oldest academic institution , the university of sydney , has moved to stamp out plagiarism after more than 200 students were suspected of cheating 日前,澳大利亚历史最悠久的学府? ?悉尼大学的校方开始对200多名涉嫌剽窃他人学术论文的学生进行查处。 |