On the colored - lantern making arts of gannan hakka 赣南客家灯彩艺术浅析
Colorful lanterns at shangyuan ming dynasty 上元灯彩图明
Orchard road , the main shopping area , is lighted up for christmas and new year 主要购物区乌节路在圣诞节和元旦挂上灯彩。
Some believe that couples who stand under the tower when the lights go on must vow eternal love 有人说,情侣们站在塔下,面对着心形的灯彩,一定会彼此立下誓言相爱到永远。
This light exhibition was powered from sludge gas generated by the morigasaki water reclamation center of the bureau of sewerage and cost roughly 3 , 000 yen per night 这个灯彩展示的电力供应由下水道局森崎水再生中心以污染物为原料生成,每晚耗费大约3000日元。
Jiaxing ' s culture is featured in tides , lakes , rivers and sea , among which are : the south lake resort and xiangjiadang lake in the urban district , ancient town of xitang in jiashan , histroric vintage town of wuzhen in tongxiang , south lake revolution memorial hall , maodun ' s home , shen junru ' s home and mo family manor in pinghu in addition to the south lake revolutionary culture , silk culture and lantern culture in xiashi 市区的南湖风景区、湘家荡、嘉善的水乡古镇西塘、桐乡的历史文化名镇乌镇、南湖革命纪念馆、茅盾故居、沈钧儒故居、平湖的莫氏庄园以及南湖革命文化、蚕桑丝绸文化、硖石灯彩文化等,构成了嘉兴以历史为依托的潮、湖、河、海水文化。