| 1. | Health protection zone standard for sintering plants 烧结厂卫生防护距离标准 |
| 2. | Modification of multicyclone in taigang sintering plant 太钢烧结厂多管除尘器的改造及效果 |
| 3. | Detection and reinforcement for a corridor of a sintering plant 某烧结厂通廊结构的检测鉴定与加固 |
| 4. | Automation of sintering plant 烧结厂自动化 |
| 5. | Application of long bag low pressure pulse type dust collector in sintering plant 长袋低压脉冲袋式除尘器在烧结厂的应用 |
| 6. | Reconstruction of dust removal system in finished product ore bunker in sintering plant of lian yuan steel 涟钢烧结厂成品仓除尘系统的改造 |
| 7. | Application of the sx three functions - wet type deduster in mixing system of hegang sintering plant 湿式三效除尘机组在合钢烧结厂混料工段的应用 |
| 8. | Study on secondary classification with cyclone in concentration workshop of donganshan sintering plant 用旋流器进行东鞍山烧结厂浮选车间二段分级的研究 |
| 9. | Present status of technology used in no . 2 dressing shop of donganshan sinter plant and suggestions for technological improvoment 东鞍山烧结厂二选车间工艺现状分析及改进建议 |
| 10. | Study on technological process to raise concentrate ' s iron content and reduce its silicon content in donganshan sineter plant 东鞍山烧结厂一选车间提铁降硅工艺流程研究及建议 |