| 1. | Provider of business information and consultancy worldwide to the metals , minerals and chemical industries -生产热轧钢卷,含平板及花纹钢板。 |
| 2. | Knowledge about grades of hot rolled steel coils of various grades like chinese , american , japanese , german standards used in automobile is preferred 具备热轧钢卷的各种牌号知识,熟悉如汽车行业使用的中国标准、美国标准、日本标准、德国标准者优先考虑。 |
| 3. | Understanding different standard grades namely chinese , american , japanese & german standards of steel coils associated with auto industries & finding the suitable source for it 具备热轧钢卷的各种牌号知识,熟悉如汽车行业使用的中国标准、美国标准、日本标准、德国标准等,并能找到合适来源。 |
| 4. | The liquid steel production in 2002 was 846 000 tons with an output of 803 500 tons of hot rolled strip coils that means the designed production level for the first construction stage has been exceeded all - around 2002年,年产钢水84 . 6万吨,年产热轧钢卷80 . 35万吨,全面超过一期工程的设计水平。 |
| 5. | Being confronted with the question : how to deal with and transform these 1 . 8 million tons of hot rolled coils zhugang must decide the only correct choice i . e . to study the development of cold rolling project 如何合理安排和转化这180万吨热轧钢卷?问题摆在珠钢人的面前,研究冷轧钢产品的发展将是解决问题的唯一选择。 |
| 6. | For the strategic goals as mentioned above the author proposed a development strategy of 6 points i . e . : 1 . exploit the specialty of zhugang ' s hot rolling tandem mill fully to produce marketable hot rolled coils with high added value ; 2 . develop ultra thin product varieties to " replace cold rolled products by hot rolled one " and create new market for these hot rolled coils ; 3 为实现上述战略目标,作者提出了珠钢6项发展战略:武汉理工大学硕士学位论文1 .充分发挥珠钢热连轧的专长,多生产销售对路、附加值高的热轧钥卷: 2 .开发“以热代冷”的超薄板品种,开拓热轧钢卷的新市场; 3 .建设具有“大酸洗、小冷轧”为特征的冷轧钢工程; 4 .为填补广东省钢材品种的空白,珠钢冷轧生产应以多品种为己任; 5 .实施“一次总体规划,分步建设实施”的滚动发展模式; 6 .提高企业物流管理水平,实现一体化的企业物流管理。 |
| 7. | Although zhugang can get rather more share in the drastic market competition thanks to the development of new varieties of hot rolled products and its advantages in the geographic field and relationship to the customers the market risk will become rather big if these 1 . 8 million tons of hot rolled coils should be completely sold as finished products 届时珠钢将具备年产180万吨热轧钢卷的综合生产能力。在激烈的市场竞争中,珠钢依托开发热轧新产品及地缘和人缘优势,可以抢占较多市场份额,但是把180万吨热轧钢卷全部销售了,将会遇到较大的市场风险。 |