| 1. | They lit a fire to keep wild animals off . 他们燃起篝火防止野兽接近。 |
| 2. | Pug's hopes died as quickly as they had flared . 帕格很快燃起的希望又很快黯淡下去。 |
| 3. | Italy blazed into a desperate insurrection . 意大利燃起了奋不顾身的起义的熊熊烈火。 |
| 4. | Those books cooked his fancy . 这些书燃起他的幻想。 |
| 5. | It wanted so little to rekindle her dying affection . 她非常容易重新燃起已经熄灭的感情。 |
| 6. | It made a bush fire . 燃起了一场丛林大火。 |
| 7. | When he came home at night, his heart relenting and growing hot for love of her . 晚上他回家时,火气已消,燃起一股对她炽热的爱。 |
| 8. | In him again, imperiously, was the desire to talk, to tell; his hands were lifted in mid-air . 他心中重新燃起那个迫切的欲望,想要谈话,想要倾诉;他的两只手举到半空中。 |
| 9. | The stubborn resistance of britain, the stern mood of the united states, had lit new hope in french hearts . 英国的顽强抵抗和美国的坚定态度,在法国人的心中燃起了新的希望。 |
| 10. | Deep within him a passionate hatred was brewing for everyone in the army who endangered his life . 他心底深处渐渐燃起了一股强烈的仇恨,这部队里凡是让他冒生命危险的人,他个个都恨。 |