"well, and how are you, sir?" said the stout gentleman, addressing mr. snodgrass with paternal anxiety . “你呢,你好吗,先生?”胖绅士用父兄般的关切对史拿格拉斯先生说。
1 " brothers and fathers , listen now to my defense . 1诸位父兄请听,我现在对你们分诉。
He will be our father and we will be his children 他将成为我们的父兄,而我们将是他的子民。
Slumber not in the tents of your fathers . the world is advancing . advance with it 不要在你父兄的帐篷里沉睡.时代在前进,紧跟它向前吧
" well , and how are you , sir ? " said the stout gentleman , addressing mr . snodgrass with paternal anxiety “你呢,你好吗,先生? ”胖绅士用父兄般的关切对史拿格拉斯先生说。
" well , and how are you , sir ? " said the stout gentleman , addressing mr . snodgrass with paternal anxiety “你呢,你好吗,先生? ”胖绅士用父兄般的关切对史拿格拉斯先生说。
Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality . slumber not in the tents of your fathers 室里的花草不会有强大的生命力。不要在你父兄的帐篷里沉睡,时代在前进。紧跟它向前吧!
Sometimes when my dad and brother talked about medicine at the dinner table i would be absent - minded 有时候父兄在饭桌上讨论着医药科学,我总是心不在焉,身边的妈咪看出端倪,一句力宏,有没有注意听?
The sun quan 15 years old becomes the county magistrate : xiao lian , scholar , follows the father and the elder brother goes on an expedition 孙权15岁被举为孝廉、秀才,任阳羡(今江苏宜兴)长,代行奉义校尉,随父兄征战。
In term of ming - qing dynasty , under the influence of social custom and their parents , most of huizhou merchants ' son would like to become a businessman afer they grew up 摘要明清时期,受徽州商业经济的影响和家庭中从商父兄的引导,徽商子弟克绍箕裘者众。