Treatment of 177 cases of sciatica mainly by duhuojisheng decoction 独活寄生汤为主治疗坐骨神经痛177例
Spondylitis ankylopoietica 35 cases treated by pubescent angelica and loranthus decoction 独活寄生汤加减治疗强直性脊柱炎58例
Observe the curative effect of the angelicae pubescentis and loranthi decoction which was used in clinic to tread the lumbar spinal stenosis 独活寄生汤治疗腰椎管狭窄症疗效观察
To observe the clinical efficacy and immunlogic assay of curing atrophic arthritis with decotion of lovage jisheng and moxibustion 独活寄生汤加艾灸治疗类风湿性关节炎疗效观察及免疫学指标分析