A delegation headed by headmaster liao wensheng visited st . petersburg for cultural exchange 廖文胜校长率巴蜀师生代表团赴俄罗斯圣彼德堡作艺术交流访问。
Our chorus team headed by miss . pan nan won the gold in " the limburg international chorus festival " in germany 潘南老师率巴蜀儿童合唱团赴德国参加"林堡国际合唱民间艺术节" ,荣获金奖。
A delegation headed by director liu yueping joined the summer camp " approach to britain " jointly held by our school and st . joan of arc 刘跃平主任率巴蜀师生代表团赴英国与圣女贞德友谊校师生共同开展"走进英国"夏令营。