理赔: settlement of claim; settle a claim; settlement of claims; payment of claims; satisfaction of a claim◇理赔部[处] loss department; marine claim department; claims department; 理赔代理费 claim settli
A single rule like that is straightforward enough for a human loss adjuster to take into account 这样一条简单规则就足够人类理赔师考虑的了。
An adjuster at the fictitious jk insurance company configures intelligent notification services to forward alert messages to his blackberry 虚构的jk insurance公司的理赔师配置智能通知服务来向blackberry转发警报邮件。
The insurance company has an everyplace access application that sends an intelligent notification services alert to the adjuster to indicate that he has been assigned a new claim 保险公司的everyplace access应用程序向该理赔师发送智能通知服务警报,以指出已向他分配首次理赔。