| 1. | He can not so much as write his own name . 他甚至于自己的名字都写不来。 |
| 2. | Not finished nor yet begun . 不要说完成甚至于还没有开始。 |
| 3. | Even the most carefully devised plan will flounder . 甚至于最精心设计的计划也得破产。 |
| 4. | With extreme care, you may even live longer . 如果万分当心自己,你甚至于可以活得更长一些。 |
| 5. | Even her soul, so strong for rhapsody, was not enough . 甚至于她那特别善于狂想的灵魂也不足挂齿。 |
| 6. | I was too grand; too snobbish, even, he said, sharply resentful . 我太傲慢、太势利、甚至于他说过于愤世嫉俗了。 |
| 7. | I was entirely without friends, nay, even so mush as without acquaintances . 我一个朋友也没有,不,甚至于没有一个相识的人。 |
| 8. | When an impulse is restrained, we feel discomfort or even violent pain . 当一个冲动受到抑制的时候,我们会觉得不舒服,甚至于感到剧烈的痛苦。 |
| 9. | He even made an arrangement with mr. dalrymple to assist him to do business on saturdays . 他甚至于和达伦布尔先生商定每星期六去帮助他做生意。 |
| 10. | There's no reason she should die or live miserably because you are wrong-headed . 总没有因为您不讲道理,反叫她一辈子苦到老,甚至于送了性命的理。 |