| 1. | Economists broadly accept that fdi helps productivity grow 经济学家普遍认为外商直接投资有助于生产率增长。 |
| 2. | Analysis on the productivity growth of the total industrial factors in yanbian 延边工业总要素生产率增长分析 |
| 3. | Empirical analysis on the growth of total factor productivity of china ' s service industry 中国服务业全要素生产率增长的实证分析 |
| 4. | It assesses the effect of regulation of services markets on the productivity growth of oecd countries 该报告评估了服务市场管制对该组织成员国的生产率增长的影响。 |
| 5. | The authors go on to look at two channels through which regulation may have dampened productivity growth 该文作者继而还发现管制对生产率增长的抑制可能有两个途径。 |
| 6. | Messrs oliner , sichel and stiroh , for instance , reckon trend productivity growth is around 2 . 25 % 例如奥利纳、西切尔以及斯提洛先生们估计生产率增长趋势在2 . 25左右。 |
| 7. | The industries that saw the biggest productivity gains were those that used it most intensively 那些从生产率增长中获利最大的产业无疑是那些使用信息技术最频繁的产业。 |
| 8. | The te and tp are computed separately , and their contributions to productivity are also discussed 将生产率分解为技术进步和技术效率,并计算了两者对生产率增长的贡献。 |
| 9. | Wages are growing even faster , despite evidence that productivity growth in the us has been slowing 尽管有证据表明美国的生产率增长已开始放缓,但工资水平仍在以更快的速度上涨。 |
| 10. | The pace of productivity growth depends on capital investment , improvements in business processes and technological innovation 生产率增长的速度则取决于资本投资,经营过程的改进以及技术创新。 |