I must either voyage or journey to italy, as a soldier marches up to a battery . 无论走水路也好,陆路也好,我一定得到意大利来,就象一名战士奔赴疆场那样。
Our nation ' s manhood died on the battlefield 我国的男儿已战死疆场
Senior general chen geng made decisive battle not merely in battlefield 陈赓大将决战岂止在疆场
" our master cares very much about homeless veterans like you who endangered your lives for your country . 我们师父十分关心无家可归的退役军人,因为你们曾经为了自己的祖国在疆场上出生入死。
“ they just showed up , ” said mr bush , “ and they ' re now beginning operations in full . and in washington you got people saying , stop “他们刚刚显身疆场, "布什说, “他们现在正开始全面运作;而在华府,你却听到有人叫嚣,停下来.
In the fray his sons attend him , - terror , trembling , panic , and fear , - also his sister eris , or discord ( the mother of strife ) , his daughter enyo , ruiner of cities , and a retinue of bloodthirsty demons 随从他奔赴疆场的有他的儿子:恐怖、战栗,惊慌和畏惧,还有他的姐妹不和女神厄里斯(纷争的母亲) 、女儿毁城女神厄倪俄和一群嗜血成性的魔鬼。
Not worth mentioning , boomed the colonel ; two hussars wounded and one stark dead on the spot , he said , with undisguised cheerfulness . the german was unable to repress a smile of satisfaction as he sonorously enunciated the idiomatic russian colloquialism of the last phrase 上校压低嗓门说道, “两名骠骑兵受了伤,一名战死疆场, ”他怀着明显的喜悦的心情说道,没法子忍住愉快的微笑,用他那洪亮的嗓音斩钉截铁地说出“战死疆场”这个优雅的字眼。
The tearful spectacle of the battlefield , heaped with dead and wounded , in conjunction with the heaviness of his head , the news that some twenty generals he knew well were among the killed or wounded , and the sense of the impotence of his once mighty army , made an unexpected impression on napoleon , who was usually fond of looking over the dead and wounded , proving thereby , as he imagined , his dauntless spirit 死者与伤者遍布疆场的可怕景象,再加上头脑昏胀以及二十个他所熟悉的将军或伤或亡的消息,往日有力的胳膊变得软弱无力的感觉,这一切在爱着死伤的人,并以此作为考验自己的精神力量的拿破仑的头脑中形成了一种意想不到的印象。