As to all the rest, he was humble and contrite . 至于平时,他总是低首下心,深自负疚的样子。
Our hearts are very bitter ; we went , but do not come 忧心也疚,我行不来!
To find a man who dared do it , without shame or sin or final misgiving 找个无羞惧无罪过无心疚的大胆从事的男子!
He speaks to you and assures you that he can forgive you of your sins 你感到罪疚,他跟你说话,他能宽恕你和你的罪。
But once again in the end they d - e - a - d . i never did time on a murder yet 可知道我每天是活在内疚的思绪难道我自觉心里无罪ah
Get rid of the negative emotions . i don t know what they are . for david it was guilt 你要对付这些负面情绪,我不知道你有甚么负面情绪,对大卫来说那是罪疚和羞耻。
Self - blaming : feeling responsible for the patient s condition . feeling sense of helplessness and guilt 过份自责:认为自己须对患者的病况负上责任,产生无助和罪疚感。
When i came to california to start this church i was 28 years old and my wife was the only member 我想来也有点罪疚感,我来这儿开办这教会时,只有廿八岁,而我太太是唯一的成员。
Having tasted of the flavour of solitude and tranquillity , one becomes woeless and stainless , drinking the essence of the joy of truth 尝过隐居和宁静的滋味,因而变得无苦无疚,便细味真理的喜悦。
Yes , as you unload your anxiety , your guilt , your fear , whatever it is , you will you feel the presence of god , alone and quietly with him 这是真实的,现在你可以卸下焦虑罪疚和恐惧,放下一切影响你的东西,独自安静享受神的临在。