| 1. | Lord mayor s programme in china 白乐威市长的中国访问行程 |
| 2. | The lord mayor s programme in beijing , shanghai , tianjin , shenyang and dalian also includes 白乐威市长在北京、上海、天津、沈阳和大连的访问计划如下: |
| 3. | In tianjin , the lord mayor met the mayor of tianjin mr . dai xianglong and toured the binhai new area 访问天津期间,白乐威市长会见了天津市市长戴相,并参观了天津滨海新区。 |
| 4. | On the morning of march 2 , the lord mayor attended the opening ceremony of jiefangbei financial street in chongqing 三月二日上午,白乐威市长还出席了“解放碑十字金街”开街仪式。 |
| 5. | This was the second visit of the lord mayor and the business delegation to china this year and further visits are expected in 2007 这是白乐威市长2006年第二次率英国商务代表团访问中国,接下来的访问活动预计在2007年举行。 |
| 6. | During his visit , the lord mayor met leaders of the chongqing and sichuan government , visited some british enterprises based in chengdu and chongqing ,白乐威市长还与重庆市和四川省政府有关领导进行了会晤,参观了成渝两地的部分英资企业。 |
| 7. | A packed programme in the city focussed on deepening the exchange between the city of london and shanghai , at both official and business level 白乐威市长访问上海的日程安排甚是繁忙,双方就进一步加深伦敦金融城与上海的官方与商务联系进行了讨论。 |
| 8. | The lord mayor is keen to promote the opportunities offered by uk - based financial services more widely to the chinese private sector and government bodies 作为金融城市长,白乐威热切地期望借此机会推动英国金融服务业与中国的私营企业及政府建立广泛的关系。 |
| 9. | The business delegation travelling with the lord mayor will explore the opportunities to invest in high growth , quality chinese companies and dynamic authorities 白乐威阁下率领的商务代表团一行将寻找商业机会,对经济增长迅猛、富有高质量的企业及锐意进去的政府这样的地区进行投资。 |
| 10. | Lord mayor david brewer said : " china is growing fast and it s essential that the city of london forges its own direct links with local cities as well as with the national hubs 白乐威市长说: “中国的经济发展迅猛。对于伦敦来说,建立与中国主要城市和卫星城市间的直接联系势在必行。 |