As heaven never ignores sincere seekers , finally she met the quan yin messenger and received master s initiation after waiting there for four months 等了四个月,皇天不负苦心人,终于等到了观音使者,得到师父的印心。
God must have finally felt pity on me because i eventually came across a magazine that discussed the quan yin method , a definitive meditation technique that was taught completely free of charge by supreme master ching hai 皇天不负苦心人,在偶然的机缘下,我看到一本杂志,上面提到观音法门是最究竟的静坐法门,由清海无上师传授,完全免费。
Initially , fellow practitioners hoped to find a good site in the most frequented area of the night market ; however , there seemed no suitable place . finally , without disappointing the hard - searching practitioners , a not too satisfactory site was found opposite the market on the other side of the road junction 原先同修们希望能在夜市路段中找到人气旺盛的好据点,却遍寻不著合适位置,但皇天不负苦心人,最后在市集对面的十字路口旁,找到一个差强人意的地点。