I ' ll say all i know and say it without reserve 我将知无不言,言无不尽。
What changed ? i really want to know ! i ' ve really said all i can . sorry . 改动了什么?我还真想知道呢… …已经知无不言了。很抱歉。
Every time he has gotten good advice privately , he has found a way to publicly praise the manager so others will come forward with suggestions 每次古普塔在非公开会谈中获得了好的建议,他都会设法对提建议的人在公开场合加以褒扬,这样一来其他人也就知无不言了。
Yet whenever it came to certain personnel issues , he exuded a sense of restraint and accommodation carried down from the senior generations - a living exemplar for us to learn 在访谈的过程中,何先生准备充足,知无不言,当涉及人事问题,表现出上一辈的厚道,令我们得益良多。