[ yìng ] 形容词 1.(坚硬) hard; stiff; tough 短语和例子 硬领 stiff collar; 硬煤 hard coal; 那牛排硬得他没法吃。 the steak was so tough that he couldn't eat it. 这东西太硬, 我无法用手把它弯过来。 this is too stiff, i can't bend it with my hands.2.(刚强; 坚定; 强硬) strong; firm; tough; obstinate 短语和例子 话说得硬 express oneself in strong terms; 心肠硬 hardhearted; 硬不承认错误 obstinately refuse to admit one's error; 不让他去, 他硬要去。 he was not expected to go, but he insisted on going. 你如果不对他硬点, 他是决不会把钱付清的。 he'll never pay up unless you get tough with him. 他的心肠一定很硬。 his heart must be very hard. 硬的不行来软的。 when hard tactics failed, soft methods were used.3.(勉强) manage to do sth. with difficulty 短语和例子 硬搬别人的经验 copy other people's experience mechanically; 硬撑着干 force oneself to work hard; 硬充好汉 act the hero; 硬压住心头怒火 choke down one's anger4.(能力强;质量好) able (person); good (quality) 短语和例子 货色硬 goods of high quality; 硬手 a good hand; 后门硬 backdoorism supported by superior relations or connections; well-connected; 在里根时代, 一些关系硬的共和党人在这个机构中都受到了优待。 in the reagan era, well-connected republicans received favoured treatment in this organization
Example Sentences:
When hard tactics failed , soft methods were used . 硬的不行来软的。
He insisted that we should make a fresh start . 他硬要我们重新开始。
The steak was so tough that he couldn't eat it . 那牛排硬得他没法吃。
Are you hardhearted, mrs. corney ? 那么你的心肠硬不硬呢,考尔尼太太?
She wore a sailor hat of black straw . 她戴着一顶扁平的硬边黑草帽。
By feeling we tell what is hard from what is soft . 凭感触分辨软与硬。
She had to steel her heart against pity . 她须硬起心肠以顶住怜悯之情。
They pressed gifts on their benefactors . 他们硬要赞助人接受礼物。
She shoved a tiny spade into my hands . 她拿起一把小铲,硬塞在我手里。
I will have another glass if you insist . 你硬要劝我,我只好再喝一杯。