Chinese translation for "磨擦塞头弹簧"
- friction plug spring
Related Translations:
擦车: (给车打蜡) wax a car, bicycle, etc 擦干: wipe dry; dry 短语和例子擦干罐子的内部 wipe up (the inside of) the jug; 用浴巾擦干身体 dry oneself on [with] a bathtowel; 擦干眼泪 wipe the tears away
- Similar Words:
- "磨擦去皮" Chinese translation, "磨擦去皮机" Chinese translation, "磨擦染色坚牢度试验机" Chinese translation, "磨擦热" Chinese translation, "磨擦人" Chinese translation, "磨擦色牢度" Chinese translation, "磨擦上光纸或纸板" Chinese translation, "磨擦设备" Chinese translation, "磨擦声" Chinese translation, "磨擦施光" Chinese translation