[ shénjīmiàosuàn ] one's methods are more than human.; a divine plan; ability to divine the unknown; clever strategy and shrewd tactics; crafty planning; divine strategy and shrewd calculation; miracle of foresight; remarkable prediction of things to come; superb strategy; wonderful foresight (in military operations, etc.); wonderful stratagems as if conceived by divine beings 短语和例子 他敬佩老者的神机妙算。 he admired the old man for his crafty plan
Related Translations:
他敬佩老者的神机妙算: he admired the old man for his crafty plan
Example Sentences:
He admired the old man for his crafty plan . 他敬佩老者的神机妙算。
Till the next morning , however , she was not aware of all the felicity of her contrivance 不过,她的神机妙算究竟造成了多大幸福,她一直到第二天早上才知道。
Yet , on the evening of the lecture , about eight hundred guests came , which again verified master s omniscience 等到讲经当晚,出席的人数正好是八百多人,再度印证了师父的神机妙算。
Institute sjms software will do the national budget , the use of sjms software , easily done using the budget sjms software , patrons can place mariners at home and abroad tender offer accurate , gives you confidence and perfect , make your giving 学会神机妙算软件,会做全国预算,使用神机妙算软件,轻轻松松做预算使用神机妙算软件,足不出户,可以轻松搞定国内外工程投标报价准确无误,让您信心十足,十全十美,让您爱不释手。
Her brother , whose eye she feared to meet , scarcely recollected her interest in the affair , and the very circumstance which had been designed to turn his thoughts from elizabeth , seemed to have fixed them on her more , and more cheerfully 她害怕看到她哥哥的眼睛,事实上她哥哥倒没有留意她也牵涉在这件事情里面。彬格莱小姐这次本来已经安排好神机妙算,要使得达西回心转意,不再眷恋伊丽莎白,结果反而使他对伊丽莎白更加念念难忘,更加有情意。