At her age she can ' t be expected to overcome that 在她这个年纪是禁不起这种事的
Can ' t get my head around it . l ' m old - fashioned 实在禁不起诱惑,我和传统的人一样
The last thing you need is temptation 你最禁不起诱惑
Do not wait 永远禁不起等待
Upon their insistence , the minister finally agreed to spend some of his spare time to educate the youngsters 禁不起夫妇两人一再地请求,牧师终于同意拨一些闲暇时间来教育那两个小孩。
She was still her beautiful self , except , as the disciples noted with a heartache , for a trace of weariness from the tiring journey 您还是那么漂亮,只是禁不起日夜奔波,脸上的疲惫令同修于心不忍。
It really cannot afford to pass up any opportunity , however cynically motivated , to break the encircling wall of enmity 即便其出发点如何满腹狐疑,以色列为了冲破强敌还伺的围堵圈,它禁不起坐视任何机会的白白流失。
Another shocking reality was that in banda aceh , the waves destroyed block after block of reinforced concrete structures that may have withstood the earthquake ' s shaking 另一个为人震惊的实例发生在班达亚齐,啸浪摧毁了一个又一个街区的钢筋混凝土建筑物,这些建筑物可能承受过地震摇晃,却禁不起海水冲击。
In addition to delineating why untestable intelligent design is equivalent to the spoon - space - travel hypothesis above , judge jones harangued the school board for its “ breathtaking inanity ” in requiring an antievolution , pro - id statement to be read in public school science classes 除了解释禁不起考验的智慧设计论,就跟上述咖啡匙空间旅行的理论没两样之外,法官琼斯还形容学校理事会要求在公立学校的科学课堂上,朗读反演化论、支持智慧设计论的声明,是难以置信的愚蠢。