| 1. | Design of collector - distributor lane for interchange 互通式立交中集散车道的设置 |
| 2. | Water drainage system design at taiping interchange 太平互通式立交排水系统设计 |
| 3. | Planning and study on municipal system of expressway 高速公路立交系统规划研究 |
| 4. | Leetotype of interchange bridge in expressway 高速公路互通式立交中桥梁的选型 |
| 5. | Setting and design of bus lane for urban road 高速公路互通立交加速车道长度的设计方法 |
| 6. | Design and construction of interchange bride 潘火互通式立交的设计与施工 |
| 7. | Fuzzy synthetic evaluation of highway interchange plans 公路互通式立交方案的模糊综合评价 |
| 8. | The discussion of highway grade separation design 公路互通立交设计探讨 |
| 9. | General layout of yunnan yuxi - yuanjiang expressway interchange 元江高速公路立交总体规划 |
| 10. | Discussion of city intersection landscape design 城市立交景观设计初探 |