The beginning of autumn : it means the beginning of autumn 立秋:立秋是指秋季的开始。
Beginning of autumn , an ordinary seasonal dividion point , is the turning point from warm weather to coldness 立秋,一个普通的节气,一个自然气候由热而凉的转折点。
Tonight the modern drama " beginning of autumn " will be put on pku hall by the modern drama troupe of shanxi province 今晚即将上演的山西省话剧院话剧《立秋》 ,将带着山西省的艺术精品首次走进北大。
Prospect s ceo chen zhonglin congratulate the students who got the adward and advise them to cherish the time in college working hard to serve the society and country in the future 2006年燕山大学电气工程学院通过层层审定考核,在全院学生中评出张立秋等6名品学兼优的同学获得此项奖励。