| 1. | Evaluation of germany new anti unfair competition law 德国新反不正当竞争法评介 |
| 2. | Introducing a fair competition law for the oil industries 在石油行业引入公平竞争法 |
| 3. | Analysis on elements influencing the competition law of 影响欧共体竞争法的因素探析 |
| 4. | Perfecting the competition law under the situation of wto 形势下的中国竞争法 |
| 5. | A study on the justice in china ' s competition law 我国竞争法中的正当性研究 |
| 6. | Consummation of china ' s competition law under wto situation 形势下的中国竞争法的完善 |
| 7. | Internet and competition law : impact and challenge 互联网络中竞争法的困境 |
| 8. | A comparative study on legislative pattern of the competition law 竞争法立法模式比较研究 |
| 9. | Institution of harmonization for competition law in the wto framework 框架下竞争法协调机制 |
| 10. | Competition law and economic development in developing countries 竞争法与发展中国家经济发展 |