[ xiàozhúyánkāi ] a smile has driven all the hard lines in his face and brightened his countenance.; a smile crept across one's face.; beam with pleasure [smiles; joy]; be covered with smiles; be wreathed in smiles; feel happy and smile; give a broad smile; laugh cheerfully; make one's troubled face brighten up; one's face broke into smiles.; one's face flushed with pleasure.; one's face lit up in a smile [with joy].; one's face opened into wide smiles.; one's face relaxed into smiles.; one's face suffused with smiles.; one's face wrinkled [wreathed] in a broad smile.; the face is beaming with smiles of joy.: 巡回剧团来到山村, 人们笑逐颜开, 奔走相告。 when the touring theatrical troupe arrived at the mountain village, the villagers all ran to tell one another beaming with delight
Example Sentences:
Charlie flashed us a familiar grin . 查理笑逐颜开,神情一如往昔。
His face broke out into a smile . 他变得笑逐颜开。
Drouet's face lightened . 杜洛埃笑逐颜开。
The president, from his wheel chair, beamed on us all in pleasure and good will . 坐着轮椅来的(罗斯福)总统,对我们笑逐颜开,表示愉快和亲切。
His face opened suddenly, as if lighted with simplicity, as when a flower opens out of the cunning bud . 他突然笑逐颜开,纯朴天真,容光焕发,宛如紧锁的蓓蕾盛开出鲜艳的花朵。
When the touring theatrical troupe arrived at the mountain village , the villagers all ran to tell one another beaming with delight . 巡回剧团来到山村,人们笑逐颜开,奔走相告。
Half an hour later the meeting broke up, the committee members far more cheerful and optimistic than when they had assembled . 半小时后散会了,协会委员个个笑逐颜开,心情比刚来开会时开朗多了。
In spite of his grief, twain continued to amuse the american public with a seemingly inexhaustible store of wit and humor . 尽管他非常悲痛,马克吐温仍以他那似乎永不枯竭的机智和幽默,使美国公众笑逐颜开。
"well," said mr. gradgrind, breaking into a smile, after being for the moment at a loss, you are even more dispassionate than i expected . “好!”葛擂硬先生踌躇了一会儿,然后笑逐颜开地说,“你比我料想的还要冷静得多。”
There was little enough in him to brighten her face, for he was a sullen young fellow, and ungracious in his manner even to her . 他这个人,照说没有什么可取的地方足以使她笑逐颜开的,因为他是个乖戾的青年人,即使对她也没有什么礼貌之可言。