The king's men had been subverted and they killed him in the night . 国王的属下已被策反,在夜里把国王杀了。
I should have known the jedi were plotting to take over 我早该知道绝地武士在策反了
General musharraf ' s supporters persuaded ten ppp mps to cross the floor ; but the general was still short of the two - thirds majority he needed to change the constitution , until the mma provided its support 穆沙拉夫将军的支持者成功策反了十位ppp的议员,但将军依然没有达到足以修变宪法的2 / 3的选票,直到mma支持他为止。
The company law should formulate briefly about the duty in different situation as follows : the director should obey the duty of prohibition on business competition , keep business secrets , protect the company ' s chance , transfer the stock arbitrarily , when he leaves his post 应在《公司法》中明确规定董事离任后的竞业禁止义务、禁止篡夺公司机会义务、保守秘密义务、不得与公司从事特定财产交易义务、不得策反公司重要职员义务、不得随意转让其所持股份之义务。
Music had played significant roles in ending the wars in each generations of original robotech with various degrees , but the new movie contained few song , could you tell us if there will be more songs in the future or the importance of music in the rt world will be formally reduced from tsc 前作三步曲中音乐和战争结束都有或多或少的关系(第一部歌声扰敌、第二部音乐人被策反导致泰洛社会崩溃、第三部则是音乐作为游击队员的掩护) ,现暗影中歌曲份量少,请问以后是否会增加,还是从暗影开始改变音乐在堡垒世界中的重要程度?