| 1. | With the enactment of the bill , the project of establishing a dps now enters the start - up phase 草案通过后,设立存保计划的工作便正式步入筹备阶段。 |
| 2. | The thais intend to roll out the software for both the private sector and public institutions , but are still in the planning stage at this time 泰国准备为私有企业和公共部门同时提供本地化的软件,但目前工作仍然处于筹备阶段。 |
| 3. | C . p . c . recognized that lacking of raw material is a common problem for downstream customers , and thus affected their competence 事业部在筹备阶段曾时进行客户访问,发现本公司长期由于无法充份供应乙烯客户所需要的原料,影响其竞争力。 |
| 4. | In addition , we are most grateful to mr . justice litton for reviewing the draft documents at various stages of their preparation and for his invaluable advice and comments 此外,我们特别要感谢烈显伦法官,于每一个筹备阶段为文件草稿进行审议,并提供了很多宝贵的意见及评语。 |
| 5. | In the run - up to the asian games , the biggest concern among residents was whether the host nation qatar would have stadiums and other infrastructure ready in time 在本次亚运会的筹备阶段,最令当地居民感到担心的是身为东道主的卡达能否及时完成各项体育场馆及基础设施的建设工作。 |
| 6. | In the run - up to the asian games , the biggest concern among residents was whether the host nation qatar would have stadiums and other infrastructure ready in time 在本次亚运会的筹备阶段,最令当地居民感到担心的是身为东道主的卡塔尔能否及时完成各项体育场馆及基础设施的建设工作。 |
| 7. | The management review steering group mrsg in consultation with the consultative group of institutional representatives developed this framework during the preparation for the reviews 这个架构是在检讨筹备阶段,由管理检讨督导小组(督导小组)在徵询谘询小组(由院校代表组成)的意见后而制订的。 |
| 8. | A detailed venue by venue description report which contains the information on all of the broadcast related facilities as well as other necessary general features . vsr is usually issued by the host broadcaster three to four times during the preparation period 描述各个场馆情况与转播有关的内容和其它基本信息的调查报告,在筹备阶段东道主转播机构有3到4次的对外发布和披露。 |
| 9. | Preparation for the launch of the programme is at an advanced stage . the hkmc is conducting a series of briefing and training sessions for the banks to help them familiarize with the eligibility criteria and the related application and claim settlement procedures 这计划现正处于最后筹备阶段,按揭证券公司现正向参与银行提供一系列培训讲座,帮助银行熟习批核标准及有关申请与索赔程序。 |