Earnings, or the total return to labor, are the sum of returns to raw labor and the returns to human capital . 工资,或者劳动力的总报酬,是简单劳动报酬和人力资本报酬的总和。
Simple work turned into sophiscate workthrough education , and the value content of work have improved and advanced the development of economic and society while the economical effect of education always puzzled economical practice , enterprises are the important fields of hc making effects 通过教育,使人们的简单劳动变为复杂劳动,劳动的价值含量提高并极大地促进了经济与社会的发展。但是教育的经济作用效果如何却一直是困绕经济学家,管理学家的重要问题。
This paper offers four characteristics expressed in overplus labour transfer in the country of guizhou province : more inter - province shifts and less local employment ; more flow between farming and non - farming or among various vocations and less transfers into the city residents ; more outputs in disorder and less organized outputs ; more engaging in the simple work and less in the complex work 摘要现阶段贵州农村剩余劳动力转移呈现出“四多四少”的特点:跨省区转移的多,本地就业的少;农业非农业或各种职业中流动的多,在城市定居转移为市民的少;无序输出的多,有组织输出的少;从事简单劳动的多,从事复杂劳动的少。
The second is to define which thoughts of the theory are permanent , without changing along with the time , such thoughts , which are unavoidable in persisting in and developing the theory , are as follows : the abstract labor is the only source of the invention of value ; the simple labor and complex labor should be distinguished ; the concept " general worker " should be hold ; the necessary labor determines commodity value ; use value is the deposit of value 其次,必须明确马克思劳动价值论的哪些内容是不会随时代的变化而变化从而是我们必须坚持的,这些问题也是坚持和发展马克思劳动价值论不能回避的核心问题。文章认为:必须坚持抽象劳动始终是价值的唯一源泉的思想;必须坚持社会必要劳动时间决定商品价值量的思想;必须坚持简单劳动和复杂劳动划分及其相互换算的思想;必须坚持“总体工人”的思想;必须坚持使用价值只是价值物质承担者的思想等等。