A device widely used with gto basis functions is that of a contracted gaussian set . 广泛地应用GTO基函数的一个方法是简缩高斯函数集。
Number reduction and category merging of documents 文书种类的数量简缩与同类合并
Condense this paragraph into a few sentences 把这段文字简缩成几个句子。
A device widely used with gto basis functions is that of a contracted gaussian set 广泛地应用gto基函数的一个方法是简缩高斯函数集。
The chamber led the business community s efforts , resulting in a major victory of vital importance to the economic future of our region 后来,公司一共开发了200多个品种这样的简缩图书,轰动了20世纪30年代的美国,创造了惊人的效益。
Facing the banal situation in which the new poetry is misunderstood and controlled by the postmodern strategy of writing , this paper argues for the possibility of reconstructing the poetic " historical imagination " in order to enable the modern chinese poetry to regain and then to preserve the vitality of historical existence and the artistic quality of avant - gardism 面对新世纪诗歌在误解或简缩的“后现代”写作策略制导下所出现的平庸局面,本文提出重铸诗歌的“历史想象力”这一写作理念,以使现代汉语诗歌重获并保持真正的历史生存承载力和艺术上的先锋品质。