| 1. | A modified greedy algorithm for ldpc encoder implementation 编码中贪婪算法的改进 |
| 2. | Improvement and application of douglas - peucker compresing algorithm 算法的改进及应用 |
| 3. | Improved genetic algorithm and its application 遗传算法的改进策略及其应用 |
| 4. | Modification and application of frog data encryption algorithm 数据加密算法的改进与应用 |
| 5. | The improvement of bp algorithm and its application 算法的改进及其应用 |
| 6. | Improvement to balloon snake arithmetic amp; experiment application 算法的改进与实验应用 |
| 7. | An improved rate control arithmetic based on mpeg 4码率控制算法的改进 |
| 8. | The improving of weighted general predicative control algorithm 加权广义预测控制算法的改进 |
| 9. | Improvement on the eo encryption system in bluetooth 加密算法的改进 |
| 10. | Improvement and application of the minimum cost flow algorithm 最小费用路算法的改进及其应用 |