| 1. | Many species cause pattern heterogeneity only by their growth form or their aggregation or shoot clustering . 大多数植物种许多种类在分布格局上不一致的原因,仅是由于它们的生长型或它们的聚生性或由于簇生性的不同。 |
| 2. | The eleven micro element analysis about allium caocervate 簇生葱中11种微量元素含量分析 |
| 3. | A wild cat ( lynx rufus ) of north america , having spotted reddish - brown fur , tufted ears , and a short tail 红猫,北美大山猫北美洲野猫(北美大山猫) ,皮毛有红褐色斑点,有簇生眼,尾短 |
| 4. | Then tenderly stroked by the soft hands of fine rain , they would put forth bright green leaves and pink flowers 细草样柔的雨声又以温存之手抚摩它,使它簇生油绿的枝叶而开出红色的花。 |
| 5. | Old world tropical plants with branches ending in tufts of sword - shaped leaves ; in some classifications considered a genus of liliaceae 旧大陆热带植物,剑状叶,簇生在分枝顶端;有些分类认为它是百合科的一个属。 |
| 6. | Juncaceae ( rushes ) a family of monocotyledonous plants , mostly herbs , with long , narrow grasslike or cylindrical leaves spirally arranged , but usually arising close to the ground 灯芯草科(灯芯草属) ) :单子叶植物的一个科,多为草本,狭长扁平或柱状的叶呈螺旋状排列,通常簇生。 |
| 7. | Tufted with tillers , short rhizomes and stolons ; leaf folded in bud ; leaf blade bluish green , linear with boat - shape tip ; inflorescence an open panicle ; seeds awnless . flowers from april to june 本种?簇生形,具分? * ,亦具短的根茎及匍匐茎;叶在芽期是褶生;叶片蓝绿色,长条状,前端成船状;花序?开放圆锥花序;种子无芒;花期4至6月。 |
| 8. | Originating in india , was introduced into china in the 1950s by guangzhous south china botanical garden . when the tree flowers in april or may , clusters of golden petals sparkle on its crown , emanating a lovely fragrance 无忧树属苏木科,原产印度,一九五零年代由广州华南植物园引入中国,四、五月开花,花色金黄,簇生树顶,灿烂夺目,芬芳扑鼻,是非常珍贵的植物。 |
| 9. | After synthesizing many kinds of the tcp enhancement schemes and analyzing several of them carefully , a new link layer solution mechanism is proposed , named clustered - loss retransmission protocol ( clrp ) 本文在全面综合各类方案,重点分析部分机制后,提出一种新的基于无线tcp的数据链路层解决机制,即簇生丢失重传协议clrp ( clustered - lossretransmissionprotocol ) 。 |
| 10. | It is found that the catalyst inducement and density greatly affect the alignment of carbon nanotubes . ferrocene as the catalyst precursor , double - layered aligned carbon nanotubes were grown on silicon substrates using chemical vapor deposition ( cvd ) by decomposing acetylene twice 对于镀al 、镀ni硅面,在二茂铁分解形成的纳米铁颗粒与衬底上的al和ni颗粒分别形成的液相合金的作用下,碳原子团簇生成大量杂乱无序的碳纳米管。 |