Exercising duty without care and diligence 履行职责时粗疏及不尽责
They instead relied on their raw skill and the cutting edge technology at their control 他们依靠粗疏的技艺和锐边技术来控制。
European annual with coarsely dentate leaves ; widespread in united states and southern canada 一种一年生的欧洲藜,叶具粗疏齿牙;已广泛分布于美国和加拿大南部。
The soil layer s thickness was uneven and the earth is not smooth . the soil layers contain many brick fragments 本日试掘表土层,各处堆叠厚度不一,土质粗疏,土层中夹有不少砖块残件。
Because china law is too simple , tm protected by chinese law still depend on the rule of tm protection 由于我国立法比较粗疏,技术措施在我国版权法中最终得以确立仍有待于单行条例的实施。
" you see i was right , " she said . " you know far more than any of the students entering high school , and yet you can t pass the examinations . it is because what education you have is fragmentary , sketchy “你看,我说对了, ”她说, “你比读中学的学生知识丰富多了,可你就是考不及格,那是因为你的教育是零碎的粗疏的。
Now , after a decade of labor - intensive research by us and other scientists on these plant remains and on samples taken from the iceman ' s intestines , some hard facts are revising those first , sketchily formed impressions and replacing them with a more substantiated story 我们和其他科学家分析这些植物遗物,与从冰人肠子里取出的标本,耗时耗力,已达10年,我们发现的一些坚实事实,修正了那些粗疏的初步印象,并以有凭有据的故事取代。
However , because of the complicacy of the issue of marriage and family , the new marriage law only provides general and inattentive principles on compensation for damage caused by divorce instead of giving clear explanation on many specific issues , resulting in heated arguments on the system 但是出于婚姻家庭问题的复杂性,这次新《婚姻法》对离婚损害赔偿制度的规定义比较原则、粗疏,没有对许多具体的问题作出明确的解答,以至于引起了对该制度的较大争议。
Secondly , facing the inattentive and stiff circumstance of our company law to the duty of faith , we should emphasize to enhance its operability and scientific . it expresses mainly as following : to the lack of positive duty of faith of our country ' s board director , we should generalize it dearly from the point of law : " the board director should perform his duty in the range of company , the rule of it and respectation of social public interests , when his interests conflicts with company ' s , he must place company ' s first . 其次,面对我国公司法关于董事忠实义务规定的粗疏和生硬,着重强化其操作性和科学性。具体可表现为: (一) 、针对我国董事的忠实义务缺少积极义务而言,从法律上给予明确的概括: “董事应当在法律、公司章程和尊重社会公共利益的范围和程度内,忠实履行职务,视公司利益为最高利益;董事在经营公司业务时,其自身利益与公司利益一旦发生冲突,董事则必须以公司的最佳利益为重,不得将自身利益置于公司利益之上” 。