Breeding and cultivation of high - yielding and quality glutinous rice en - nuo no 优质高产糯稻恩糯2号的选育及栽培
Resistant rice blast , high yield and top quality new waxy rice variety en nuo no 抗稻瘟病高产优质糯稻新品种恩糯1号
Effect on production and economic performance analysis of sri of glutinous rice 糯稻高产强化栽培技术增产效果及效益分析
The dong nationality mainly goes in for agriculture and is also engaged in forestry at the same time 新中国成立后,统称其为侗族。侗族人主要从事农业以种植粳稻为主,糯稻次之,并善于稻田养鱼。
Local resdients of the miao ethnic group reaped and aired the glutinous rice in the harvest season , making a very appealing countryside autumn scenery 广西融水大苗山深处种植的单季糯稻,已经到收获季节,人们将成熟的糯稻剪下,并扎成禾把,晒干后收进谷仓,构成了一幅幅独特的收获图。