[ lèi; lěi; léi ] 累 Ⅰ形容词 (疲劳) tired; fatigued; weary 短语和例子 累乏 tired out with too much exertion; 累极了 tired out; exhausted; worn outⅡ动词 1.(使疲劳; 使劳累) tire out; wear out 短语和例子 累得筋疲力尽 knock out; 累得要死 be tired out (to death); 累眼睛 strain the eyes; 这是很累人的工作。 it is very tiring work.2.(操劳) work hard; toil 短语和例子 累过度了 work oneself too much; 你累了一天, 该休息了。 you've been working hard all day. you need a rest.