| 1. | The current economic slump is an earnest of the major recession to come 当前的经济滑坡预示着一次大的衰退即将来临。 |
| 2. | The current economic downturn has severely undermined the government s fiscal position in the 1998 - 99 fiscal year 目前的经济滑坡对政府98至99财政年度的财政状况影响严重。 |
| 3. | Jeffrey r . immelt now finds himself charged with delivering double - digit growth amid war and a nasty downturn 伊梅尔特发现,他目前面临的任务是在战争和经济滑坡的大环境下实现公司的两位数增长。 |
| 4. | Luxury goods giants will also be searching for ways to stand out as the global economic downturn shrinks consumer demand 尽管全世界范围的经济滑坡导致奢侈品市场的需求量剧减,但是生产商仍然是用尽全身解术维持经营。 |
| 5. | In light of the recent terrorist attacks on the u . s . and the resulting economic fallout , avon - - along with the rest of the world - - is facing tough times 鉴于近来美国遭受的恐怖袭击及随之而来的经济滑坡,雅芳公司同世界其他地方一样处于艰难时期。 |
| 6. | Personal - computer stocks have taken a beating in recent weeks amid fears that an economic downturn could slow technology spending in the world ' s largest computer market 个人电脑类股在近几周里倍受打压,投资者担心美国这个全球最大的电脑市场一旦出现经济滑坡,技术相关开支将会随之缩水。 |
| 7. | Analysts who like lenovo ' s prospects take the view - - which some people don ' t - - that asian economies are less vulnerable to an economic downturn in the u . s . than in the past 看好联想前景的分析师们认为,亚洲对美国经济滑坡的抵御能力已比过去有所增强,最新许多投资者抛售科技类股皆是习惯使然,因为科技类股在2000年美国经济滑坡时受到了沉重打击。 |
| 8. | However , government expenditure is likely to increase during the economic downturn , notably as a result of increased welfare spending ; no one doubts the need for a social safety net at this time 可是,面对现时的经济滑坡,政府支出将会上升。特别对社会福利的开支将会增加。在这个经济艰难的时刻,我们绝不怀疑社会福利可以发挥社会安全网的功用。 |