| 1. | Just as the insufficient competition , the excessive competition can bring the economy operating inefficiently 摘要过度竞争如同竞争不足一样,同样会带来经济运行效率的劣化。 |
| 2. | That many companies of our country organize all their work by themselves is the main reason that leads to the low efficiency 而我国相当多的企业物流主要靠自己组织,这是造成整个经济运行效率低下的重要原因。 |
| 3. | Therefore , moderate mareketing should be the inexorable trend that it will improve economic efficiency , and make its development continuable in a long time 因此,中性的适度营销是提高经济运行效率、实现社会可持续发展的长期的必然趋势。 |
| 4. | Moreover , assets securitization permeates each aspect of social economic field progressively and has an enormous impact on operational efficiency of the whole economy 不仅如此,资产证券化还逐步渗透到社会经济领域的各个层面,对整个经济运行效率产生巨大的影响。 |
| 5. | This dissertation analyzes that the industrial agglomeration change the cost - curve , advance efficiency of enterprises , which be in the industrial agglomeration 产业集聚最基本的效应是改变集聚企业的成本曲线,提高了集聚企业的经营水平,从而在根本上提高这个集聚群体的经济运行效率。 |
| 6. | Development of commercial circulation is seriously backward in ganzi prefecture which extremely affects the investments environment , the economy efficiency and living standard of the pp1e 摘要甘孜州商贸流通业发展严重滞后,这极大地影响着全州招商引资环境、经济运行效率和人民生活水平。 |
| 7. | This paper analyses the problems in reducing costs in metallic mines and presents that economizing energy and enhancing safety are two workable approaches to the efficient safety economy 摘要本文从节能及加强安全管理两方面时减少金属矿山的安全经济投入问题进行了分析与探讨,达到提高安全经济运行效率的目的。 |
| 8. | The zone - economics , with all kinds of effects from the enterprise or industries agglomeration , have extensively increased the circulation efficiency of economics , become an important factor working on the economic structure of the world 摘要园区经济因企业或产业集聚而带来的各种效应,广泛提高了经济运行效率,从而成为影响世界经济格局的一个重要因素。 |
| 9. | With the development of society , currency system evolved into credit system and security form , which in turn greatly increased the economy efficiency and at the same time , greatly improved the configuration of the resource of the whole society 随着社会的不断进步,货币制度进一步完善和发展,进而演进为信用制度和证券化形式,社会经济运行效率获得极大的提高,社会资源得到更合理的配置。 |