| 1. | In doing so they were saved from extermination . 这样一来却使它们免于绝灭。 |
| 2. | So the deer perished in china . 于是,这种鹿便在中国绝灭了。 |
| 3. | Pleistocene glaciation caused the extinction of many species . 第四纪冰期,使许多物种绝灭。 |
| 4. | He had discovered that this noble family had died out and were forgotten . 他发现了这个高贵的家族已全部绝灭并且被人们所遗忘。 |
| 5. | Although the original species becomes extinct, its genes are carried by the new group . 原来的种虽然绝灭了,但其基因则被一个新的门类所继承。 |
| 6. | The cretaceous extinction was like a terrible streak of bad luck lasting millions of years . 白垩纪的生物绝灭,犹如一场持续千百万年的可怕厄运。 |
| 7. | The dinosaurs and numerous other reptiles which had previously been dominant were extinct . 先前曾占主位的恐龙以及许多其他爬行动物到了这时都绝灭了。 |
| 8. | In the other case, a kind of pseudoextinction takes place, and the species may evolve into a new species . 另一种方式是出现了一种假绝灭,该属种可能演变为另一新种。 |
| 9. | This dependency between fossil and living types is well illustrated when we deal with extinct groups . 化石与现存类型之间的这种依赖关系在我们研究绝灭类群时是十分明显的。 |
| 10. | The hawk gens of the senecas were reduced to a small number of persons, and its extinction became imminent . 塞内卡斯的鹰氏族人口减到了为数很少的程度,绝灭之祸眼见就要到来。 |