绣像小说: novel with llustrated finelined portraits of main characters
Example Sentences:
We found that those ribbons had embroideries of an unthinkable mixture of objects , like computers , ecklaces , sports cars , turtles , golden roses , half - eaten apples , and baby bottles 我们进入店里靠近端详那衣服,发现缎带充满了不可思议的混合物件绣像:电脑、项炼、跑车、乌龟、金色玫瑰、吃了一半的苹果和婴儿奶瓶!
The commercial press also pays much attention on periodical publishing , ever established a periodical cluster of 21 titles and over 50 versions by the end of 1948 , since the first periodical publication ( journal of novels with tapestry portraits , xiuxiang xiaoshuo ) published in 1903 自1903年创办第一份刊物《绣像小说》起,至1948年解放前夕,商务印书馆总共创办了21种刊物,非商务自办而由商务代为发行的期刊为50种以上,形成了颇具特色的期刊群。