| 1. | Ashley cole is suspended against wigan 科尔将在与维甘的比赛中停赛。 |
| 2. | I fear for wigan having seen the players they are signing 我担心维甘已经看到他们签下的球员。 |
| 3. | There will be two major tests on saturday against wigan 周六与维甘的比赛中,我们要接受两个考验。 |
| 4. | Perhaps wigan will see his return to the squad as well 或许我们在和维甘的比赛中又可以看见小飞侠满场飞奔了。 |
| 5. | Could be preston or wigan 普雷斯顿或者维甘 |
| 6. | Hopefully , michael essien will be back in midfield after his stint at the back against wigan 令人高兴的是,埃辛将重新回归中场,在对阵维甘的比赛中他拖后担任后卫。 |
| 7. | At 10am the fixtures for next season are announced and , surprise , surprise , we are away to wigan first game 上午10点新赛季赛程出炉,出乎意料,首场比赛我们客场挑战维甘。 |
| 8. | A nice 4 - 0 win against wigan seems to have got things into a bit more perspective , regarding our current situation 就我们现在的形式看, 4 - 0大胜维甘似乎把让事态更明媚了些。 |
| 9. | Ricardo carvalho says it is " incomprehensible " that he was left out of chelsea ' s starting line - up on sunday at wigan 卡瓦略说他在周日对维甘的比赛中未能首发出场,感到不理解。 |
| 10. | Andy webster became one of the first players to use the loophole when he moved to wigan from hearts over the summer 今夏从哈茨转会到维甘的安迪-韦伯斯特是该规则的第一个受益球员。 |