| 1. | Discussion on reconstruction of blood bank among general hospitals 大型综合性医院学科重组探讨 |
| 2. | The research in disclosuring the financial report of listed company 26家大型综合性医院实证研究 |
| 3. | Essential analysis of eia for comprehensive hospital project 综合性医院建设项目环境影响评价要点分析 |
| 4. | Probe into health education management mode of large polyclinics 大型综合性医院健康教育管理模式初探 |
| 5. | Practice and prospect for general practice education and training 综合性医院开展全科医学教育的探索和实践 |
| 6. | Adapt to the medical insurance reform for large polyclinic hospital 大型综合性医院如何适应医疗保险制度改革 |
| 7. | A brief analysis of the quality controlling system of a comprehensive hospital 综合性医院医疗质量控制体系浅析 |
| 8. | Investigation on suicide in the department of emergency of general hospitals 一所综合性医院急诊科自杀病例调查 |
| 9. | Discussion on the establishment of chinese medicine department in general hospital 浅谈综合性医院的中医科建设 |
| 10. | Personnel post allocation analysis on general hospitals in zhejiang province 浙江省综合性医院人员编制分析报告 |