| 1. | We will never stop until the experiment succeeds . 试验不成功,我们决不罢手。 |
| 2. | I have always planned to knock off at thirty-five . 我老是打算到三十五岁罢手。 |
| 3. | He found himself turning the pages to find out what was happening next . 他发现自己想一口气读完,看个水落石出才罢手。 |
| 4. | He always stands out and haggles, and actually tires them till he gets a bargain . 他很能不耐烦地讲价,他把人家讲累了,得了便宜才罢手。 |
| 5. | But sperlich and i were too hot on this project to give it up without a fight . 但是斯珀里奇和我对这个计划太热心了,不甘心不作一番斗争就罢手。 |
| 6. | They would not stop until they had taken over south-east asia, just as they had eastern europe . 他们在占领整个东南亚正像他们占领东欧一样之前是不会罢手的。 |
| 7. | This was the sort of issue on which nixon would never yield as long as he could find someone else to do the work . 这种问题,只要尼克松能找到什么人肯卖力干,他就不会罢手。 |
| 8. | The pilgrims used to turn out in a body and empty every rifle they could lay hands on at it . 那些外来移民也好一窝蜂地跑了过来,抓起枪就向它开火,将枪里的所有子弹打光才罢手。 |
| 9. | Might they be content to rest on the frenzied exertions of a lifetime of struggle and begin meeting the needs of its people ? 他们毕生斗争,弄得精疲力尽,难道甘愿就此罢手,而开始着手解决本国的民生问题? |
| 10. | Never knew a prospector yet that died rich 从来没听说哪个采矿工发财后罢手不干的 |