| 1. | Consciousness appearances and american foreign policies 意识形态与美国外交政策 |
| 2. | Professor liu zuochang and the research on american history 浅谈美国外交文献的利用 |
| 3. | Us foreign policy retrospection and its impact 试析宗教文化对美国外交的影响 |
| 4. | On realism and its enftuence in america ' s diplomacy 论现实主义之于美国外交 |
| 5. | Culture and value elements in us foreign policy 美国外交中的文化价值观因素 |
| 6. | The role of ideology in u . s . foreign policy 意识形态在美国外交政策中的地位 |
| 7. | Great changes in diplomatic policy after the cold war 冷战结束后美国外交政策的重大转变 |
| 8. | An analysis of american foreign strategy in the post cold war era 冷战后美国外交战略解析 |
| 9. | Racism and foreign policy of the united states 种族主义与美国外交政策 |
| 10. | Post cold war neo - isolationism and u . s . foreign policy 冷战后的新孤立主义思潮与美国外交政策 |