| 1. | Within every large group, such as the united states, there are many subgroups . 在每个巨大的群体内,例如美国,还存在着许多子群体。 |
| 2. | It is located at the eastern valley of kuling in mt . lushan , and is next to the seat of the famous " lushan conference " 宾馆位于庐山牯岭东谷的别墅群体内,座落在“庐山会议会址” “庐山大厦” 50米处。 |
| 3. | Recent studies also focus on understanding the effect of heavy metals and radionuclides on the microorganisms in the microbial community 最近的研究还关注于了解在微生物群体内重金属和辐射对微生物的作用。 |
| 4. | Remove the problem within yourself or the group and clear the energy field upon the land , and the mirror that nature provides will also clear 移除你自身或群体内的问题并清理土地上的能量场,自然界提供的镜子也将得到清理。 |
| 5. | Population genetic structure was studied using rapd analysis to reveal the relationship between the genetic variations and heterosis 同时采用rapd技术对f1代不同群体的遗传结构进行比较,研究群体内的遗传变异与杂种优势的关系。 |
| 6. | I ' ve known many good communicators who do well one - to - one or in small groups but get tongue - tied when presenting from a stage 我已经认识很多能够在一对一或在小群体内的情况下表现良好的优秀沟通者,但是当他们站在舞台上时就会发音不清。 |
| 7. | Analysis of variance for all the traits shows that there are significant differences between populations and between individuals within populations 方差分析表明:蜡梅表型性状在群体间和群体内均存在极其丰富的变异, 10个性状在群体间的差异均达显著或极显著水平。 |
| 8. | 5 . genetic diversity of aneurolepidiwn chinense by ssr and issr showed hs variation in population and among populations , but does not form differentiated type 通过微卫星和issr标记对羊草遗传多样性进行检测表明,羊草在群体内和群体间均发生了变异,但并未完全分化为不同种。 |
| 9. | Anomalous proteins engaged in support of this tumorigenic regulatory enironment most probably represent optimal interention targets in a heterogeneous population of cancer cells 此致瘤调节环境支持中异常蛋白的嵌入可能很大程度上体现了在肿瘤细胞中异质群体内靶目标干预的最佳化。 |
| 10. | Both the rapd and isozyme results showed that the genetic diversity of f . chinensis was relatively low and the genetic marker showed relatively high conformity within or among populations Rapd和同工酶的调查结果表明,中国对虾种群的遗传多样性水平低,群体内和群体间的2种分子标记都表现较高的稳定性。 |