| 1. | On the archaeological cultures of inner mongolia 论内蒙古地区的考古学文化 |
| 2. | Diffusion and migration of archaeological culture 考古学文化的传播与迁徙 |
| 3. | The archaeological culture of xianbei 鲜卑考古学文化 |
| 4. | Conspectus of the ancient culture from neolithic age to the forepart of bronze age in xiliaohe river area 西辽河流域新石器时代至早期青铜时代考古学文化概论 |
| 5. | The archaeological cultures of the interlaced area of agriculture and stockbreeding in inner mongolia and the transformation of economic form and its reason 内蒙古农牧交错带考古学文化经济形态转变及其原因 |
| 6. | So far , xituanshan culture belongs to the unique archeology culture of the bronze age which has been discovered in the second songhua river 西团山文化是东北地区重要的青铜时代考古学文化,也是第二松花江流域到目前为止发现的唯一的青铜时代考古学文化。 |
| 7. | It has significant values to establish the system of hexi corridor ' s prehistorical archaeology and to get an all - round comprehension about prehistorical archaeology ' s pattern and distribution in northwest regions of china 其对于河西走廊史前考古学文化谱系的建立,进而全面认识我国西北地区史前考古学文化的类型与分布等,具有重大学术价值。 |
| 8. | The article makes parallel research on the archaeological culture of the yun - gui plateau and the south of the five ridges from the era of paleolith to the xi han dynasty , and discusses the intercommunication and interaction of the early culture between these 2 aspects 摘要本文通过对旧石器时代至西汉时期云贵高原与岭南考古学文化的对比研究,探讨二者之间早期文化的相互交流与影响。 |
| 9. | Based on reviewing debates on how to reconstruct genealogy of late neolithic cultures in middle yangtze river region since 1970s , this paper discusses how to identify intertwined cultures and how to term culture and type in archaeology 摘要本文系统回顾了上个世纪七十年代以来在长江中游地区新石器时代晚期考古学文化时空重建过程中的各种探索与争鸣,并对如何处理考古学文化交集现象,以及如何对考古学文化与类型进行界定进行反思。 |