For reasons of my own i wasn't unwilling to be tested in this way . 出于我本身的原因,我并不是不愿意被这样反复考问。
You are very thorough. do you want to catechise them about their uncle ? 你样样事都要刨根问底,是不是想考问考问他们,看看他们是不是喜欢他们的舅舅?
The master had told us he would question us on verbs , and i did not know a thing about them , for i had not studied my lesson . 老师曾对我们说过他要考问我们动词,可是我连一个字也说不上来,因为我没有温习功课。
Torture should not be inflicted upon a minor under fourteen years of age 考问不得施加于十四岁以下的未成年人。
" please inquire of past generations , and consider the things searched out by their fathers 伯8 : 8请你考问前代、追念他们的列祖所查究的。
A chapter having been read through twice , the books were closed and the girls examined 一章书从头到尾读了两遍,课本便合了起来,姑娘们受到了考问。
" your examination of mr . darcy is over , i presume , " said miss bingley ; - " and pray what is the result ? “你考问达西先生考问好了吧,我想, ”彬格莱小姐说。 “请问结论如何? ”
And assembling together all the chief priests and the scribes of the people , he inquired of them where christ should be born 4他便召集了众司祭长和民间的经师,仔细考问他们:默西亚应当生在那里。
The master had told us he would question us on verbs , and i did not know a thing about them , for i had not studied my lesson 老师曾对我匀说过他要考问我们动词,可是我连一个字也说不上来,因为我没有温习功课。
And the king had talk with them ; and among them all there was no one like daniel , hananiah , mishael , and azariah ; so they were given places before the king 王考问他们一切事,就见他们的智慧聪明比通国的术士和用法术的胜过十倍。