cooperation agreement between the united nations and the organization of african unity
Related Translations:
非洲统一组织: the organization of african unity (oau)
非洲统一组织第: conference of heads of state and government of the organization of african unity
非洲统一组织宪章: charter of the organization of african unity
非洲统一组织科技研究委员会: scientific technical and research commission of the organization the organization of african unityscientific, technical and research commission of the organization the organization of afri
联合国同非洲统一组织的合作: cooperation between the united nations and the organization of african unity
非洲统一组织驻联合国执行秘书办事处: executivesecretaryoftheorganizationofafricanunityattheunitednations
非洲统一组织国家元首和政府首脑会议: assembly of heads of state and government of the organization of african unityassemblyofheadsofstateandgovernmentoftheorganizationofafricanunity
非洲统一组织南部非洲问题特设委员会: hoc committee of the oraganization of africa unity on southern africa
联合国: the united nations (u.n.)◇联合国安全理事会 united nations security council; 联合国否决权 veto; 联合国军 armed forces for u.n.; 联合国粮农组织 united nations food and agriculture organization; 联合国贸易和发展会议 united nat