| 1. | The research of chinese float a share market indexes 股市场大盘股价指数研究 |
| 2. | Policies and factors impact on liquidity of the a - share market in china 股市场流动性的政策和因素 |
| 3. | Evidence for china stock market : changing volatility under a price limit regime 股市场波动的动态变化 |
| 4. | The research of investors ' realized rate of return in chinese stock markets 股市场投资者实现回报率研究 |
| 5. | Outlook for b - share market positive B股市场前景乐观 |
| 6. | The statistical characteristic and trend of liquidity in chinese a - share market 股市场流动性统计特性与变化趋势 |
| 7. | Empirical analysis of the correlation and cointegration of chinese stock market a and b 股市场相关性与协整性的实证研究 |
| 8. | Impressive gains in the mainland ' s a - share markets continue to lift h share valuations 股市场的突出表现继续抬升h股估值。 |
| 9. | Shanghai ' s resurgent domestic - currency a - share market is the main catalyst 人民币计价的上海a股市场的复苏,是促成这一局面的主要动因。 |
| 10. | The b - stock needs to be reformed thoroughly before the ultimate open - to - outside 在全面开放之前,应对我国现有的a 、 b股市场进行全面改造。 |