[ húlihúdū ] (糊里糊涂) confused in one's thinking; with one's mind in a haze
Example Sentences:
To the world at large it seemed a glaring example of miscalculation, confusion, timidity, and muddle . 在一般人看来,它似乎是一个估计错误、部署混乱、临事怯懦和胡里胡涂的突出实例。
Guess i ' m left to muddle along all alone 看来只好由得我一个人胡里胡涂了
All of us need your blessing . i do , my father does and my brother does , but most of all this guy here and this guy over here is kind of sheepish . i said , most of all him 我看著那名叫马克的男生,说他没有信主,问他是不是有吸毒的习惯,问他要不要祝?他胡里胡涂,我再问一次,他说:应该要吧。
And if i know - i , myself - one flower which is unique in the world , which grows nowhere but on my planet , but which one little sheep can destroy in a single bite some morning , without even noticing what he is doing - oh ! you think that is not important ! 如果我认识一朵人世间唯一的花,只有我的星球上有它,别的地方都不存在,而一只小羊胡里胡涂就这样把它一下子毁掉了,这难道不重要? ”