| 1. | The theoretical source of zang kejias thoughts about poetry 臧克家诗论的本土渊源 |
| 2. | The chinese type of topic by zang ke - jia - his poetry before 臧克家诗歌理论述评 |
| 3. | Individualization and currency of history - on zangdi ' s history writing 臧棣历史书写论 |
| 4. | An aesthetic interpretation of zang kejia ' s new - poetic style 臧克家新诗文体的审美阐释 |
| 5. | The rural imagery in the description of zang ke - jia 臧克家笔下的乡村意象 |
| 6. | A comparison of two versions of the bamboo foliage boat 元本与臧本之比较 |
| 7. | Executive director : zang shu - liang , lee kyang rae 执行理事:臧树良李光来 |
| 8. | Zang kejia ' s formal aesthetics theories of modern chinese poetry 论臧克家的新诗形式美学观 |
| 9. | She returned to hong kong in 1982 to join the 1982年臧女士回港后加入 |
| 10. | The synthetization of the language forms in zang kejia ' s poetry 臧克家诗歌语言形式的综合化 |