| 1. | To a crazy ship all winds are contrary . 对于一只盲目航行的船来说,所有方向的风都是逆风。 |
| 2. | She is the first woman to navigate the amazon alone . 她是第一个独自在亚马孙河上航行的女子。 |
| 3. | Pity the poor sailors at sea in this storm ! 可怜可怜在这场风暴中在海上航行的那些可怜的水手吧。 |
| 4. | Sign the articles for the cruise, twenty dollars per month and found . 签下这次航行的契约吧,二十块钱一个月,外加膳宿。 |
| 5. | At these piers coasters and landing-craft would be able to discharge at all states of tide . 沿岸航行的海船和登陆艇,不论潮汐如何涨落,都能在这种码头上卸载。 |
| 6. | Under the power of this impression, i hastened back to my castle, prepared everything for my voyage . 在这种念头的支配下,我急忙跑回我的城堡,进行航行的准备。 |
| 7. | At the foot of these fairy mountains the voyager may have seen the light smoke curling up from a village . 在这些神奇的重山脚下,航行的旅客有时会看见轻烟从一座村落里袅袅而上。 |
| 8. | At the foot of these fairy mountains, the voyager may have descried the light smoke curling up from a village . 在这些神奇的丛山脚下,航行的旅客有时会看见轻烟从一座村落袅袅而上。 |
| 9. | It would not be proper, for some reasons, to trouble the reader with the particulars of our adventures in those seas . 由于某些原因,把在这一带海上航行的详情细节告诉读者,似乎不大恰当。 |
| 10. | We coasted south america on our trip last year 去年旅行我们是沿着南美洲航行的。 |